
Upcoming Glass Fusing Classes

Taste of Glass Workshops Red Butte Gardens

Try out glass fusing with a quick and fun workshop building a sun catcher or fused glass ornament with precut components.  Led by guild artists.    Several workshops for children and adults. Offered at Red Butte Gardens.

Youth/Teen Classes – 2025

Tentative Dates – Check back for specifics

November 15, 2025

November 22, 2025

Adult Classes
Tentative dates In June and November of 2025 to be scheduled
Check Back for specifics

Beginning Glass Fusing

Join artists from the Glass Art Guild of Utah for an exciting 4 week class covering every aspect of glass fusing.  We will begin with the basics of glass fusing and studio safety and work through fusing with recycled glass, fusing with fusible art glass, fused glass jewelry, fusing with frits and much more!  Taught by multiple instructors for a fun opportunity to work with multiple talented artists and experience glass in a variety of ways.  Classes taught by Jodi McRaney Rusho at Glass With a Past Studio, 82 W. Louise Avenue, SSL UT.

Students are encouraged to purchase their own cutting tools, information will be provided upon registration.

Registration is through Glass With a Past, Registration button will take you to Jodi’s website to register.




Intermediate Glass Fusing - TBA

Extend your glass fusing experience with our Intermediate Glass Fusing class.  Four weeks of exciting projects with a split emphasis on recycled glass and fusible art glass.  We will work on using mica in fusing, inclusions, fuse and fold, larger plates and other fascinating fusing projects.  Class is limited to 6 students.  Hosted at Glass With a Past Studio, 82 w. Louise Avenue, SSL UT. All classes are taught by Guild artist Jodi McRaney Rusho.



Glass Art Guild Members

Teaching Artists

Glass Art Inspired by Nature

Dana Worley
Upcoming Class
Making Waves! Thursday, September 19, 2024. In this ~2.5 hour class we will make a fused glass wave suncatcher. For more information and to register, click this LINK.

Celt Craft Designs

Kerry Collet

Celt Craft Designs – I teach several classes at different studios or at my home studio in Layton, Utah. You can contact me at to schedule a class.

Glass With a Past

Jodi McRaney Rusho

Fusing with recycled, vintage and found glass.  In person classes, on-demand classes and a large library of free tutorials.

Past Guild Sponsored Classes

Enamel & Paint on Steel – Alisa Looney

Achieve Fine Detail on Jewelry and Wall Works with Granular Spray, Sgraffito & Watercolor Enamel Techniques

Winter Rivers – Shelly Long

Explore the use of Colors for Earth paints while creating a seven layer Winter Rivers Scene


 Phill’s definition of “Raku”, as an art form, is “unexpected/unknown result”.

Color and Composition – Lester Lee

From his youth, Lester was largely self-taught in art, with an interest in being an accomplished watercolorist. Later he gained some of his color theory and art skills from such greats as Richard Bird and Anton Rasmussen.

Sand Painting with Frit – David Alcala

The Glass Art Guild had the pleasure of hosting David Alcala on May 4th and 5 for two one day workshops about Sand Painting with Frit.

Glass Painting with Peter McGrain

The purpose of this workshop is to introduce students to the techniques involved in Traditional Glass Painting and the Vitri-Fusáille® process.

Advanced Fusing Techniques – Patty Gray

Explore techniques to create depth and surface design elements using frits, powders, stringers, powder wafers, metals, mica powders, iridized and dichroic glass.

Fritography – Michael Dupille

The painterly use of crushed glass frits and powders has opened up a whole new world of artistic imagery. Anything is possible when working with small particles of glass from tight, photo-realism to loose impressionism. 

General Meetings

3rd Sunday of Odd Months 10 a.m.

Spectrum Studios

2312 S. West Temple

South Salt Lake City, UT 84115

