GAGU Scholarship Program Extends Deadline!!!
The Glass Art Guild of Utah scholarship committee announces that they are extending the application process dates. This change will allow applicants to examine upcoming workshops and classes for the 2025 year. The new deadlines are as follows: application must be received by December 31, 2024 11:59 pm, interviews will be conducted between January 8, 2025 through January 21, 2025 and recipients will be notified by February 15, 2025. Click on Scholarships tab above to get more details and a link to the application.

Red Butte Garden 2023 “Glass in the Garden” Award Winners Below

- Best of Show Overall: Kerry Transtrum
- Best of Show Jewelry: Jose Castillo
- Best of Show Fused Glass: Dan Cummings
- Award of Excellence Fused Glass Jewelry: Suzanne Larson
- Honorable Mention Fused Glass Jewelry: Rick Busche
- Award of Excellence Lamp Work: Jodie McDougall
- Award of Excellence Fused Glass Art: Kerry Transtrum
- Honorable Mention Fused Glass Art: Barbara Wesley
- Award of Excellence Mixed Media: Diane Whittaker
- Honorable Mention Mixed Media: Jodi McRaney Rusho
- Award of Excellence Functional Art: Amber Scheid
- Honorable Mention Functional Art: Barbara Wesley
- Award of Excellence Wall Art: Barbara Busche
- Honorable Mention Wall Art: Sheena Wolfe
- Juror’s Choice Award: Joe Peretto
- Juror’s Choice Award: Kerry Transtrum
- Juror’s Choice Award: Kathi Olsen

GAGU Positions 2024-25
President: Takara Scheid; Vice-President: Joe Peretto; Treasurer: Laura Bernhardt; Secretary: Doug Wolfe; Red Butte Garden Show Chair: Diane Whittaker; Website: Deborah Byrnes; Public Relations: Sheena Wolfe; Catering: Lucille Transtrum: Education of Membership: Kerry Collett; Red Butte Garden Education: Kathy Watt; Public Outreach: Ann Lazerus
Fused Glass Flowers
Connie Lundgren
Featured at Glass in the Garden, Red Butte Garden and Arboretum
General Meetings
3rd Sunday of Odd Months 10 a.m.
2312 S. West Temple
South Salt Lake City, UT 84115