Benefits of Membership
Classes: Our members enjoy classes and workshops taught by nationally acclaimed glass artists at a fraction of what they would cost elsewhere.
Demonstrations: We provide demonstrations on various techniques and topics at our bi-monthly meetings.
Glass Jams: Members work collectively on various group projects.
Our members participate in exclusive exhibits at prominent venues throughout Salt Lake Valley, including annual shows at Red Butte Garden.
Our members support one another both informally and through our regular meetings and socials.
Our members gain exposure though our shows and various educational activities directed at increasing the community’s awareness and appreciation of glass art.
You are welcome to join us at our next meeting.
When: Third Sunday of odd-numbered months (January, March, May…) at 10:00 am. Exceptions to this schedule will be posted on the home page.
2312 S. West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT. 84115
Annual dues: $50.00
To Apply:
Fill out the Contact form below and let us know of your interest. Someone from the Guild will contact you and send you the Membership Application:
For questions use our contact form:
Alternately, you may leave a message on our Facebook page.